Umění nových médií jako gestické umění


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Title in English New media art as gestural art


Year of publication 2023
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The lecture presented the concept of new media art as gestural art with reference to the General Theory of Gestures, a scientific discipline that its proponent Vilém Flusser characterized as an interface that integrates interdisciplinary research into gestures performed in an aparatus-operator (or human- machine) complex of the network infrastructure of post-industrial society. The interpretation of new media art as gestural art was thought through the concept of the allographic work of art, which Nelson Goodman introduced in The Languages of Art (1968), as opposed to the autographic work. New media art was approached as different types of gestures and their different "intensities" (Delleuze). When naming these intensities, I was inspired by Bachelard's poetics of natural elements, specifically metaphors or poetic images of water and air. This approach to new media art is informed by the theory of interactivity and especially the concept of new media as programmed media taking place in real time, which has been developed since the beginning of the 21st century under the name software studies/or software art.
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