Attitude Markers in L2 Learners' Academic Writing: A Case Study of Master's Theses by Czech Students Compared to L1 Students' Writings

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Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Brno Studies in English
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords metadiscourse; writer-reader interaction; interactional metadiscourse; attitude markers; academic writing; master's theses
Description This article studies the frequency and range of one category of metadiscourse markers, i.e. attitude markers realized by attitudinal nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs in two learner corpora, i.e. a corpus of L2 Master's theses written by Czech university students and a corpus of L1 (native speaker) university students' academic texts taken from the BAWE corpus. The survey shows that the research-oriented attitude markers prevail over the topic-oriented ones in both corpora, the most frequent realization being attitudinal adjectives, followed by nouns, adverbs and verbs. The results also reveal that Czech students tend to use attitudinal adverbs in the initial position more frequently than the L1 students.
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