Doktor Faustus - dramaturgie a programový leták


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Title in English Doctor Faustus - dramaturgy and program leaflet


Year of publication 2023
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Concert description: A story about music that cannot be signed to the devil Thomas Mann (1875–1955) and Theodor Wiesegrung Adorno (1903 to 1969) came together in 1947 over the "musical" novel Doctor Faustus, and Dodecaphony was born. A new system, a new "evil" order dazzling and destroying humanity. The concerto is imbued with a special spirituality, much like Mann's brilliant, devilishly signed Adrian Leverkühn. The date and place of the first autopsy on Czech territory is known, but it is not known at all who was dissected, the form shapes the content. The work, order, system and structure survive their author or not? Program: Andrei Volkonsky: Laments Of Shchaza Pierre Boulez: A hammer without a master Anton Webern: Fünf Geistliche Lieder
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