Connecting with connected migrants : exploring the field of digital migration studies


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JAWORSKY Bernadette Nadya

Year of publication 2024
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

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Description The fact that migrants increasingly use digitally based tools to stay connected, actualize network ties, and gain migration-related information is hardly news, and the ways in which scholars explore this phenomenon have proliferated over the past few decades. In the chapter, I explore the field of digital migration studies, mapping out the existing and newest terrain, as well as outlining the contours of a plan for the future of the field. I argue that the prevailing trend toward ‘big data’ methodologies should be accompanied by qualitative, interpretive approaches that enhance our understanding of online texts, practices, and experiences. Further, I suggest that the methodology of the strong program in cultural sociology, which treats culture as an analytically autonomous and independent realm composed of structures of meaning, is particularly suited for this task.
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