Filozofická reflexe problému reality času


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Title in English A Philosophical Reflection on the Problem of the Reality of Time


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia philosophica
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords time; existence; physics; philosophy; language; reality; Gödel; Barbour; Rovelli; re lationism; substantialism
Description The article deals with three physical theories that deny the reality of time, namely the con cept of Kurt Gödel, Julian Barbour and Carlo Rovelli. The claim that time does not exist goes beyond the scope of physics and to a large extent also falls into the realm of philosophy, thus opening up space for its philosophical reflection. So what does it mean from a philosophical point of view that time does not exist? Is it possible for change to exist without time? In order to answer the mentioned questions, I will first focus on the concept of existence itself. Next, I will introduce individual authors and their concepts, which I will try to evaluate critically, and at the end I will draw attention to related epistemological and ontological problems.
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