Média veřejné služby v Česku: očekávání a hodnocení ze strany veřejnosti

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This publication doesn't include Faculty of Education. It includes Faculty of Social Studies. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Public Service Media in the Czech Republic: Public Expectations and Evaluation


Year of publication 2024
Type Research report
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

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Description This report summarizes the results of a questionnaire survey conducted on a sample of 1,700 respondents representative of the Czech population aged 18+ in terms of gender, age, education, size of place of residence, region and frequency of Internet use. The survey primarily focused on public perceptions regarding funding and willingness to pay for public service media, as well as expectations and evaluations concerning Czech Television (CT) and Czech Radio (CRo). The findings indicate that the main part of the public views Czech Television and Czech Radio as crucial social institutions and deems public service media generally necessary. Moreover, there is a noticeable tendency to define their mission broadly, with the public expecting CT and CRo to fulfill a range of tasks and functions, including entertainment. Overall, a majority of the public expresses satisfaction with the services provided by CT and CRo. However, approximately a quarter to a third of respondents, depending on the exact wording of the question, express dissatisfaction and criticism towards public service media, considering them less important. Despite broad expectations and overwhelming satisfaction, the majority of respondents disagree with the proposed increase in the radio and television licence fee.
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