Manuál k diagnostické platformě DYSLEX určený pro Pedagogicko-psychologické poradny
Title in English | Manual for the DYSLEX Diagnostic Platform Designed for Educational-Psychological Counseling Centers |
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Year of publication | 2023 |
Type | Special-purpose publication |
MU Faculty or unit | |
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Description | The DYSLEX Diagnostic Platform focuses on analyzing and classifying readers based on their eye movements captured during processing verbal and non-verbal diagnostic tasks using selected machine learning methods. The platform consists of several modules that ensure the execution of the diagnostic battery including the recording of eye movements and the classification phase of the entire diagnostic process. The main output of the DYSLEX diagnostic platform is a protocol with classification results of the reader and detailed information about their performance in individual tasks. The diagnostic platform is intended for both intact and clinical populations, especially for students in the 3rd and 4th grades of elementary schools (ages 9–10) with Czech as their native language. |
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