Language Learning History как саморефлексия в процессе изучения иностранного (русского) языка


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Title in English Language Learning History as Self-Reflection in the Process of Learning a Foreign (Russian) Language

ZAŇKO Taťjana

Year of publication 2024
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The paper is devoted to the topic of "language biography" (Language Learning History, LLH) and the peculiarities of using this method by teachers as a kind of tool in teaching Russian as a foreign language. The main focus is on how students describe their history of learning a foreign language/languages. The aim of the paper is to show how students who have independently compiled biographical narratives about their LLHs see the process of learning RFL in retrospect. Based on a qualitative analysis of the stories of RFL learning by the students of the Institute of Slavic Studies at Masaryk University, the most frequent themes in their texts will be identified. Since the students' experiences were both positive and negative, it will be presented how these experiences might have influenced their own approach to learning a given language and their choice of language learning strategies. In addition, the most typical patterns in the students' transformational narratives will be identified in order to show how they themselves described their changed attitudes towards learning over the years. Finally, the paper will demonstrate how LLHs can benefit not only teachers but also students and researchers.

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