Koloběžka - Ovečky, ovečky

Title in English Kickbike - Sheep, sheep

MUSIL Ondřej

Year of publication 2024
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The premiere of two short compositions by Ondřej Musil for a children's choir took place on June 9, 2024 in the Besední dům in Brno as part of the Spring Concert of the Kantiléna Choir and its two preparatory departments. The composition "Kickbike" on the lyrics of František Hrubín is written for one vocal part in a limited singing range and length for preparatory choir classes for children up to about 7 years old. The accompaniment is created using sound-painting means, which makes it possible to supplement the interpretation with a musical-movement component. In 2023, the composition received an honorable mention at the Opus Ignotum International Composition Competition for Children's Choirs. The second composition is called "Sheep, sheep" and is also written to Hrubín's text. With its harmonic structure, length, and polyphonic voicing, it corresponds to the repertoire of older preparatory classes for children up to about 10-15 years of age.

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