Akční výzkum ve tvaru "art based research" (aktuality vztahující se k výzkumu autobiografie v současném umění)

Title in English "Action research in the form of 'art based research' (updates related to the research of autobiography in contemporary art)"


Year of publication 2024
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description "The lecture is focused on introducing the basic goals and methods of so-called Art Based Research. Using examples of research conducted through methods derived from artistic and creative approaches applied to insights into the issues studied in the humanities, listeners will also be introduced to specific approaches to the conception of the experimental part of the dissertation. In the context of the lecture's topic, foreign authors practicing Art Based Research in their work will also be introduced. The lecture will include a guided tour of the exhibition at the Čtyři patra gallery (near the new media studio), where an exhibition from a publication utilizing Art Based Research is currently taking place."

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