Entrepreneurship competence in schools: a systematic review



Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference ATEE Annual Conference 2023: Teacher Education on the Move
Web https://ateeannual2023.elte.hu/book-of-abstracts/
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.21862/atee.2023.12
Keywords entrepreneurship competence, entrepreneurship education, systematic review
Description In this systematic review study, we present research in the field of entrepreneurial competence development in schools. After thorough research on the Web of Science, we identified seven relevant studies. Based on the analysis of these research studies, we provide answers to three research questions. We explore how authors define entrepreneurial competence, what goals they set in their studies, and what research methods they apply in their research. The study results demonstrate diverse perspectives on entrepreneurial competence and approaches to its development. Emphasis is placed particularly on the importance of a comprehensive structure of this competence and the need for its inclusion in various educational contexts.

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