Žena a Marie ve vybraných dílech Jaroslava Durycha

Title in English Woman and Mary in selected works of Jaroslav Durych


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Web https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/digilib.80195
Keywords Jaroslav Durych; Virgin Mary; Marian theme; woman
Description The paper deals with the concept of woman and Mary in selected prose works by Jaroslav Durych. It mainly includes works from the author's so-called girl cycle, but it does not focus solely on them. The thematic analysis reveals the interconnectedness of the motifs of woman and the Virgin Mary, the most important woman in the Christian religion. Durych's conception of Marian themes is not limited to internal or external characteristics. This study therefore seeks to encompass the most significant motifs associated with the figure of the Virgin Mary as understood in traditional Marian veneration (mother, virgin, co-redemptress, symbolism of flowers, colours and light).
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