Školní zralost dětí vzdělávaných v heterogenních a homogenních třídách mateřských škol

Title in English School maturity of children educated in heterogeneous and homogeneous kindergarten classes


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Spolupráce oborů pro podporu kvality vzdělávání
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web https://capv.cz/praha-2024/?doing_wp_cron=1725547903.2801449298858642578125
Keywords preschool education; heterogeneous and homogeneous classes; school maturity
Attached files
Description The study presents the research comparing the outcomes of children educated in heterogeneous (age -mixed) and homogeneous (age -similar) classes in the last year of preschool. The research maps the impact of the age composition of classes on education in kindergartens. A total of 375 children from 17 kindergarten classes in Czechia were tested. The test focused on various areas of school maturity: graphomotor skills, mathematical ideas, spatial and temporal orientation, visual and auditory perception and verbal reasoning. No statistically significant difference was found in the performance of children from different class settings. Educating children in classes with different age composition did not impair their performance in the cognitive domain.

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