K pojetí času v románu Upilované mříže Jiřího Pechara

Title in English The concept of time in Jiří Pechar's novel Upilované mříže


Year of publication 2024
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The presentation aims to introduce text by Jiří Pechar, the novel Upilované mříže, which was printed in the samizdat Edice Petlice and Kvart during the 1970s (it was officially published by Cherm in 2011). The novel, based on the tradition of the Nouveau Roman and representing to a large extent a subversive movement of Czech inedited literature, will be interpreted with particular reference to the category of time in relation to the internal subjects of the work. Not only the work with individual and collective memory will be thematized, but also the notion of absolute time (in the context of faith and authentic being) and the external memory of places or written artefact. Within a cultural and historical context, the possibility of an allegorical reading of the novel will be offeredin the end, providing a reflection on the function of the estetical work of art in a period of repression.
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