Netradiční cesta začínajícího učitele: z tandemové výuky do vlastní třídy za 667 dní

Title in English A novice teacher’s unique journey: from co -teaching to own classroom in 667 days


Year of publication 2024
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The presented longitudinal study focuses on a career path of a novice teacher who worked as a co -teacher after entering the profession and then she became an independent class teacher. By conducting narrative analysis of semi -structured interviews carried out over a time span of three years, key moments in the beginning teacher’s career trajectory were identified. The results support the claim that co -teaching has the potential to provide intensive and immediate support for the novices. However, it is crucial to perceive the co -teaching period in context of the whole professional path, and to secure the continuity and support during the transition into independent practice. In the light of recent changes in legislation, these findings have relevance for the design of induction strategies.
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