Učebnice chemie pro ZŠ a jejich provázanost s dalšími přírodovědnými obory

Title in English Chemistry textbooks for primary schools and their interrelation with other science disciplines


Year of publication 2024
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

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Description . Czech schools have long struggled with a shortage of science teachers (physics, chemistry, geography). Thus, science subjects can be taught by a teacher whose focus is at best close to these subjects, at worst, practically alien to them. Such a teacher is most often, after studying the relevant curriculum textbook of a particular subject. Some teachers may even see textbooks as curriculum documents, determining the content of education. They also see them as a coherent and approved list of topics that also serves parents as a source of information about the content of the curriculum. In view of the above-mentioned teachers' attitudes towards textbooks, we see it as important to address this issue and to focus on a comparison of Czech and foreign textbooks. The aim of the paper is to analyze the equipment of chemistry textbooks and focus on the interconnection of mathematics, physics and chemistry in the examined textbooks. We will identify partial differences and confront them with selected textbooks in the countries Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
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