Maskulinity péče a stárnutí ve zkušenosti mužů – zdravotních sester

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Title in English Masculinity care and ageing in the experience of men nurses

RENDL Daniela

Year of publication 2024
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Description Men are not often associated with a caring role. This presentation presents the initial findings of an analysis of eleven in-depth interviews with men working as nurses as part of the research project Institutions of Ageing Men (IAM GACR 2023-25). In line with critical studies of men and masculinities, it focuses on the interconnection of themes of masculinity, caregiving and ageing in the perceptions of the actors themselves against the backdrop of a feminised profession. Participants describe ways of providing care, relating to intimacy, attentiveness to the needs of the other, gentleness and careful handling; they also describe the demanding character of the profession as well as specific situations to which their female colleagues are not exposed and mention concerns about the loss of strength due to ageing. The analysis of acts of tenderness and their framing by masculine experience, manifestations of power and fragility contributes to the theoretical conceptualisation of masculinity and reveals the dynamic interplay between the denial of ageing and its associated fragility and the expectations associated with masculinity.
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