The Influence of Professions' Interweaving of VET Teachers on Their Identity and Practice



Year of publication 2024
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The interweaving of professions is characteristic for teachers in vocational education and training (VET teachers). Previous practical experience in specialization field is combined with current teaching experience. Thus, original specialized professional identity and teaching professional identity of VET teachers are also interweaved. Even though teachers’ identity is widely researched, such interweaving is neglected. Therefore, I define conceptual approach to interweaving of professions and its influence on identity of VET teachers. I supplement theoretical approach based on literature review with empirical qualitative approach based on biographical interviews with 7 VET teachers. In interviews, VET teachers point to effects of interweaving of professions together with dual identity effects on their current teaching practice. Teachers perceive experience in their original specialized profession as desirable for better communication with students, more effective teaching including solving problem-based learning, and more up-to-date knowledge transfer with practical examples and contact with practice.
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