K vybraným experimentálním prózám sedmdesátých let

Title in English Selected experimental prose in 1970s


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference XVI. studentská vědecká konference Katedry českého jazyka a literatury
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web https://munispace.muni.cz/library/catalog/book/2390
Keywords experimental prose; Karel Milota; Jiří Pechar; internal subjects; du-form; new roman; selfreflection; mise en abyme
Description The article aims to present selected texts by Karel Milota and Jiří Pechar, through which it will develop an inquiry into the nature of self-reflexive poetics in a literary game that assumes the active involvement of the reader in the center of the ongoing event, and thus in the very act of creating a fictional world and constituting the meaning of the work. Attention will be paid to both the interpretation of specific prose pieces and the context in which these texts are created and to which they react critically and subversively by their very nature.
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