Exploring the Structure of a DNA Hairpin with the Help of NMR Spin-spin Coupling Constants: An Experimental and Quantum Chemical Investigation


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Education. It includes Faculty of Science. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.

SYCHROVSKÝ Vladimír VACEK Jaroslav HOBZA Pavel ŽÍDEK Lukáš SKLENÁŘ Vladimír CREMER Dieter

Year of publication 2002
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Physical Chemistry B
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Physical chemistry and theoretical chemistry
Keywords NMR; coupling constants; DNA hairpin DFT
Description A 13C, 15N-labeled DNA hairpin molecule of the sequence d(GCGAAGC) = d(G1C2G3A4A5G6C7) is investigated by NMR spectroscopy to determine one-bond and two-bond NMR spin-spin coupling constants 1J(X, H) (X= C, N), 1J(C, X) (X= C, N), and 2J(X,H) (X=C,N). Measured J values for the Watson-Crick (WC) base-pairs G1C7, G6C2, the mismatched base-pair G3A5 and the unpaired base A4 were compared with calculated J values to verify sign and magnitude. For the J-calculations, coupled perturbed density functional theory in connection with the B3LYP hybrid functional and basis sets (9s5p1d/5s,1p)[6s,4p,1d/3s,1p] as well as (11s,7p,2d/6s,2p)[7s,6p,2d/4s,2p] was employed to determine diamagnetic spin-orbit, paramagnetic spin-orbit, Fermi contact, and spin-dipolar contributions to the total isotropic coupling constant J. Coupling constants 1J(C,H) and 2J(N,H) turn out to be very sensitive to the position of C and N in the pyrimidine or purine rings and, therefore, can be used for rapid structure determination. Coupling constant 1J(N1,C6) in G of GC clearly reflects the impact of H-bonding by an increase from -6.5 to -10.6 Hz. The direct investigation of H-bonding via the 2J(N,N') coupling constants reveals that these parameters depend on the distance R(N-N'), the bending angle N-H..N', and the degree of planarity at the H-donor group. Different types of H-bonding were identified. H-bonding is weaker in AG and therefore, leads to smaller changes in the J values of the bases A and G upon pairing than in the case of the WC base-pair GC.
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