Čeští senioři včera, dnes a zítra


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Education. It includes Faculty of Social Studies. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English The Czech elderly yesterday, today and tomorrow


Year of publication 2004
Type Research report
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

web http://www.vupsv.cz/
Description Aim of this work is to provide a reader with a descriptive report on the life of the Czech elderly population. It is divided into three broad sections. The first one is focused on the population ageing and it brings relevant demographic information on the ageing of Czech society including population projection. It also offers the insight into the structure of the Czech elderly population. The second section is focused on economic dimension of the ageing. It describes the level of Czech pensions, participation of the elderly at the labour market as well as their living standards. The third part seeks to answer the question on the status and the position of the elderly within Czech society. It brings information on their intergenerational relations, their political activities, and their live styles. The report combines various sources of the data: population census, demographic statistics, economic indicators as well special surveys carried out among the elderly population. It is mainly concentrated on present situation, however in many instances, for comparative reasons, it provides relevant data on the history and also on the future of the Czech elderly population.
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