Jaká kritéria jsou důležitá pro učitele ŽŠ při výběru učebnic zeměpisu? Výsledky výzkumné sondy provedené na jihomoravských základních školách

Title in English According what criteria do teachers select geography textbooks?


Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Současné metodologické přístupy a strategie pedagogického výzkumu
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords Education; Educational Research; Didactics of Geography; Teachers Research; Textbooks Research; Textbooks Assessment
Description The contribution deals with the results of educational research study practiced at 53 elementary schools in South Moravian region in year 2005.The main aim of the study was the recognition how do geography teachers assess geography textbooks. The teachers had the occasion to mention positive and negative attributes of the textbooks, reasons and criteria for choosing a new textbook and the using purposes of the textbooks.

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