Úskalí realizace primární prevence rizikového chování v základních školách

Title in English Inadequacies in realisation the primary prevention of the dangerous behavior in basic schools

ČECH Tomáš

Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Klenková, J.; Vojtová, V. (ed.) Komunikace a její místo v Rámcovém vzdělávacím programu pro předškolní a základní vzdělávání [CD-ROM]
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords dangerous behavior; primary prevention; minimal preventive program; school methods of prevention; global educational program for elementary schools; preventive programs for schools
Description The article discusses the problems that occur while preventing dangerous behavior in the school environment; inadequacies in primary prevention and outlines suggested changes that take advantage of Global Educational Program for Elementary Education.
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