Armillaria socialis morphological anatomical and ecological characteristics, pathology, distribution in the Czech Republic and Europe and remarks on its genetic variation


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Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Czech Mycology
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Biochemistry
Keywords Armillaria; Desarmillaria; description; distribution; pathology; ecology; ITS sequences; genetic variation
Description Armillaria socialis belongs to subgen. Desarmillaria. Its correct specific name (in comparison with the frequently used name A. tabescens) is discussed, and its detailed macro and microscopic description and distribution in the Czech Republic and Europe are given. It is a thermophilic species occurring in Europe, USA, Japan and China. The northern distributional limit in Europe runs through Central Europe. In the Czech Republic, A. socialis occurs in thermophilic oak stands and also in alluvial forests. It was found on oaks, field maple and ash. A molecular study using sequence data from ribosomal DNA (ITS region) revealed a relatively high intraspecific genetic variation among sequences of A. socialis from various localities of the Czech Republic and France. The results resemble those published earlier from the USA.
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