Computer Processing Derivational Relations in Czech

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Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Computer Treatment of Slavic and East European Languages
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Linguistics
Keywords derivational relations; WordNet; derivational interface; noun suffixes; verb prefixes
Description In the paper we deal with the derivational relations in Czech that form typical derivational nests (or subnets). Derivational relations are mostly of semantic nature and their regularity in Czech allows us to describe them in a way suitable for computer processing and then add them to the electronic databases such as WordNet almost automatically. For this purpose we have used the derivational version of morphological analyzer Ajka that is able to handle the basic and most productive derivational relations in Czech. A special derivational interface has been developed in our NLP Lab at FI MU by means of which we have explored the semantic nature of the selected noun derivational suffixes (22) as well as verb prefixes and established a set of the semantically labeled derivational relations, presently 14. With regard to the verbs we have paid attention to the selected verb semantic classes in connection with the derivational relations between selected prefixes (4) and corresponding Czech verbs. As an application we have added the selected derivational relations to the Czech WordNet and in this way enriched it with approx. 30 000 new Czech synsets.
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