Kuřáctví a názory rodičů školních dětí

Title in English Smoking and the opinions of parents of school age children


Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Česká a Slovenská Hygiena
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Hygiene
Keywords preventive programme; non-smoking programme
Description In the programme Non-smoking is normal, attention is draw to and effort made to involve parents in targeted education and bringing up of their children towards a healthy lifestyle, including their protection against passive smoking. Together 565 parents filled in the questionnaire; among them 59,9 % did not smoke, in 28,0 % families there was one smoker and in 12,1 % families both parents smoked. The majority of parents (95,5 %) agree that passive smoking is harmful for children, but almost 20 % participants described smoking at home. One third of parents believed that a ban of smoking at public placesmay also positively influence and reduce smoking at home because smokers shall realoze that their smoking habit may also endanger members of their family. One third of families with one smoker and more than half of those with two smokers wished to pay more attention to the protection of children against smoking and more than 90 % respondents agree with and welcome the anti -smoking educational activity of the school.
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