Edukace sociálně znevýhodněných žáků z pohledu asistentů pedagoga brněnských základních škol

Title in English Education of Pupils with Social Disadvantage from Teachers Assistants Point of View at Primary Schools in Brno


Year of publication 2008
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The results published in the study form a part of a long term research that is being realised by the Department of Social Pedagogy at the Faculty of Education. The main theme is the research of the socially handicapped pupils. The partial study focuses on the analysis of the reports provided by the teachers assistants working at schools with multicultural specialization and mostly attended by the Romani pupils. At the research the authors use the method of focus groups to get the data that are later processed on the level of an open code. The data describe the key categories indentified on the ground of the analysis of the large text provided.
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