Vlivy prostředí na rozvoj nadání romského žáka

Title in English Environment Influences on the Development of Roma Pupil


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sborník referátů z mezinárodního semináře Učitel a nadaný žák
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords Talent; Romani pupil; quality research; focus group; Romany family; socially handicapped groups; eduacation
Description Within the research purpose at Education Faculty of Brno University called Special Needs of Pupils in the context of Basic Educational Programme for Basic Schools and the financial support for the research project from the faculty of Education has been done by the form of qualitative survey. The study focuses on tallented child from socio-culturally handicapped environment, more specifically it examines the influence of family background and school on the development of abilities and talent of such a child.
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