DEEP THOUGHT Web based System for Managing and Presentation of Research and Student Projects


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Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference CSEDU 2009 - Proceedings of the first International Conference on Computer Supported Education
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Informatics
Keywords Python; Subversion; Project management system; Web 2.0; Tagging; Ontology; XML; Wiki; Trac; Plug-in; Bug-tracking; Visualization; Portal; Metadata; Agile programming; Extreme programming; Semantics
Description There are plenty of projects solved each day at academic venues - small in-term students' projects without any real usability, bachelor and diploma thesis, large interdisciplinary or internationally supported projects. Each of them has its own set of requirements how to manage it. Aim of our paper is to describe these requirements, and to show how we tried to satisfy them. As a result of further analysis we designed and implemented system Deep Thought (under development since autumn 2007), which united the management of distinct categories of projects in one portal. System is based on open-source technology, it is modular and hence it is capable to integrate heterogeneous tools such as version control system, wiki, project presenting and managing. This paper also introduces aims of the future development of the system, such as interoperability with other management systems or better connection with the lecture content and teaching process.
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