Realizace soutěže tvořivosti studentů katedry technické a informační výchovy PdF MU

Title in English Realization of competition creativity of students of technical and information department of Education MU


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Nové technologie ve výuce, 3. mezinárodní konference
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords Competition students; science; electronics; web; educational support; vote; flash
Description This paper summarizes the implementation and students' creativity during the competition department of technical education and information on PdF MU. This is the result of the project MUNI/41/087/2009. Competition was studied through the quality of students and their involvement in teaching. In the paper described the experience gained in the competition and its principles and technical realization of Web competition and welcomed the students and the quality of their work.

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