Využítí technologií Adobe Flash, PHP a MySQL v Administračním systému, jehož cílem je získávání průběžných výsledků studentů

Title in English Using technologies of Adobe Flash, PHP and MySQL in creating administration system which collects and administrates students results


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Nové technologie ve výuce, 3. mezinárodní konference
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords Flash AS 3.0; PHP; MySQL; database; system administration; data
Description Contribution explores the use of modern technologies to create online educational testing applications. This contribution is devoted to the administration system which process output data from online dynamic application using technologies of Adobe Flash AS 3.0, PHP and XML and their communication, which was created for practicing and testing in subjects Electronics and Electro technology. The application not only provides a feedback for students who can see their results, but also provides important information about students results and activities for a teacher thanks to the detailed administration system mentioned above.

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