Analýza vzdělávacích potřeb romských žáků

Title in English Analysis of the Romanian students education needs


Year of publication 2009
Type Survey and educational texts
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Team of pedagogues and doctoral students of the Department of Pedagogic and the PdF MU Cabinet has created several research modules, which have, by means of both qualitative and quantitative approach, helped to describe, understand and explain the problems of the socially disadvantaged groups education. Research modules included an evaluation of the Home Teach project that has been carried out on a long-term basis, educating students in multicultural class – the importance of a pedagogue as a opportunity-balancing factor, creation of approaches (prejudices) in a multicultural class and a ŠVP analysis in the multicultural-oriented schools. The results have been included in the MŠMT research report.
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