Space Effective Model Checking for Component-Interaction Automata

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Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Annual Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (MEMICS'09)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Informatics
Keywords partial order reduction; model checking; component-based systems
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Description The techniques of component-based development are becoming a common practice in the area of software engineering. One of the crucial issues in the correctness of such systems is the correct interaction among the components. The formalism of component-interaction automata was devised to model various aspects of such interaction, as well as to allow automated verification in the form of model checking with properties expressed in the component-interaction LTL, a variant of the known linear temporal logic. As the state space of a component-based system can grow exponentially with the number of components, it is desirable to employ reduction techniques to make the verification task more feasible. In our work, we describe the implementation of the ample set partial order reduction method within the component-interaction automata verification framework. Due to the state and action-based nature of both the modelling and specification formalisms, the implementation differs from traditional state-based approaches. After describing the implementation, we present some of the results obtained by employing the enhanced verification framework on a case study.
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