Alea 2 - Job Scheduling Simulator

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Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference SIMUTools'10 3rd International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

web ACM DL
Field Informatics
Keywords Grid; cluster; scheduling; simulation; GridSim
Description This work describes the Grid and cluster scheduling simulator Alea 2 designed for study, testing and evaluation of various job scheduling techniques. This event-based simulator is able to deal with common problems related to the job scheduling like the heterogeneity of jobs, resources, and the dynamic runtime changes such as the arrivals of new jobs or the resource failures and restarts. The Alea 2 is based on the popular GridSim toolkit and represents a major extension of the Alea simulator, developed in 2007. The extension covers both improved design, extended functionality as well as the improved scalability and the higher simulation speed. Finally, new visualization interface was introduced into the simulator. The main part of the simulator is a complex scheduler which incorporates several common scheduling algorithms working either on the queue or the schedule (plan) based principle.
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