The importance of complete data sets for job scheduling simulations


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Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing, Revised Selected Papers
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

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Field Informatics
Keywords Grid; Cluster; Scheduling; MetaCentrum; Workload; Failures; Specific Job Requirements
Description This paper has been inspired by the study of the complex data set from the Czech National Grid MetaCentrum. Unlike other widely used workloads from Parallel Workloads Archive or Grid Workloads Archive, this data set includes additional information concerning machine failures, job requirements and machine parameters which allows to perform more realistic simulations. We show that large differences in the performance of various scheduling algorithms appear when these additional information are used. Moreover, we studied other publicly available workloads and partially reconstructed information concerning their machine failures and job requirements using statistical and analytical models to demonstrate that similar behavior is also expectable for other workloads. We suggest that additional information about both machines and jobs should be incorporated into the workloads archives to allow proper and more realistic simulations.
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