Geografie a zdraví

Title in English Geography and health

CHALUPA Petr NOVÁK Svatopluk

Year of publication 2010
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Monograph has shown a penetration of geographical branches into the issues of human life. It offers examples and possibilities of interconnections of some chosen geographical scientific branches with health issues in school practice. Specific attention of humane geography is given, first of all, to geodemography, residential geography, selected issues of geography of agriculture, industry, transport, and services. Because the given global economical and political situations influence national economies and political situations in individual countries, the costs of schools and healthcare come out from the total height of the state budget and from the height of financial proportions given to those sectors. The health of the population of the state is also influenced by a lot of natural phenomena. For the needs of a complex education process leading to a conscious and effective acting of both individuals and society is necessary to be aware of the conditionality of the human existence on the natural factors. This publication is part of the research project and school health for 21 century.
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