Halliwickova metoda plavání v práci s handicapovanými osobami


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Education. It includes Faculty of Sports Studies. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Halliwick concept and people with disability


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Prostriedky edukácie v škole 21. storočia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

web http://doktorandi.pdf.umb.sk/app/cmsFile.php?disposition=a&ID=1079
Field Sport and leisure time activities
Keywords Halliwick concept; people with disability; Ten point orogramm; Phylosofy of Halliwick concept
Description In the learning with disabled we need to use specific methods in comparison to normal swimming lessons. This fact is not just from the type of disability, but also from the individual possibilities of a swimmer. One of the methods one applies in the swimming lessons with disabled people is the Hallivick concept. This method is based on the work with disabled, but its appliance in far greater. We would like introduce the Halliwick concept in this presentation and its usage in praxes.

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