School and Health 21. Health Education: International Experiences



Year of publication 2010
Type Editing of thematic compilation, editing of monothematic issue of profesional journal
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description School and Health - Health Education: International Experience (Collection of Papers, Vol. 3, 2010) contains papers documenting outcomes of a long-term research intent undertaken at the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University. Working on the project that has been going on for several years, the core team of researchers successfully established contacts with a number of their international peers and, at workshops and conferences regularly held as part of the project, got research workers from several countries where health education attracts considerable attention interested in these issues. In this volume, we publish papers by our collaborators and colleagues which in some of concepts and focuses may sometimes accentuate a slant different from what we know in this country, which is due to differences in historical, social and political factors. The volume also contains papers by Czech authors and, as a whole, the publication is an inspiring indication of the scope of and opportunities for research into health education.
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