Mehrsprachigkeitskonzept und dessen Stellenwert in der Aus- und Fortbildung von Fremdsprachenlehrern/-innen

Title in English Multilingualism and its role in education and further education teachers of foreign languages


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Janík, T.; Knecht, P. (eds.) New Pathways in The Professional Development of Teachers
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords multilingvism; education of foreign language teachers
Description Since then, they have been formulated in the new curriculum standards for teaching in schools in the Czech Republic became the concept of multilingualism, which in Europe is much debated, also in our current issue. This concept should not to be implemented only in school practice, but also in education and further training of teachers of foreign languages. In this paper we attempt to define the concept of multilingualism, to introduce political and educational characteristics of this concept and describe the methodological and didactic possibilities of its application.

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