Problematika vzdělávání romských žáků v kontextu výzkumných šetření (vymezení témat výzkumných šetření)

Title in English The issue of education of Roma children in the context of survey research (the topic surveys)


Year of publication 2010
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The aim of the study is based on the particular quality of probes to analyze and describe the educational problems of Roma pupils and explained in the context of Roma families, schools, the relationship between teacher and student, and many other aspects that emerge from data analysis. The results of such analysis can provide information that could improve the work of teachers, improve school atmosphere and bring changes to existing legislation. Analysis of the opinions of experts can lead to increased competencies educators, ie teachers, teaching assistants and other professionals. A team of teachers of the Department of Social Pedagogy MU deals with a situation of the Roma population not only in programs and courses aimed at integration, but also focuses on research work in this area. The survey takes place within a training program aimed at enhancing the prospects of the Roma population.
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