Evaluace předmětu Doučování dětí ze sociálně znevýhodněného prostředí

Title in English Evaluation of course tutoring children from socially disadvantaged backgrounds


Year of publication 2010
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Currently implemented are already a number of support programs and projects that aim to improve the current situation of Roma children in education. The most important operation can be considered as preparatory foundation years, the establishment of a teacher's assistant or tutoring students of Roma children by teaching faculty. The tutoring program was examined by this research study, which involved the students who have registered the subject tutoring children from socially disadvantaged backgrounds 1 and 2 The aim of the research was to describe, understand and explain the complexity of the process of tutoring for Roma children in the family environment of students at MU. The main research method was focus groups and analysis of data based on the experience of university students who attend regularly into my Romany family.
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