Projekt ŠKOLA A ZDRAVÍ PRO 21. STOLETÍ: východiska, průběh, výsledky

Title in English Project SCHOOL AND HEALTH FOR 21ST CENTURY: outcomes, course, results


Year of publication 2011
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The research aim of Faculty of Education Masaryk university of the projekt School and Health for 21st century was planned for the years 2005 till 2011. The projekts koncept was based on specialized orientation od some academic staff, also on scientific plan of the faculty and on the current materials from our school and heslth service. The main aim was to mutually Erich both areas by the development of the education toward tealth which can be developer by the usage of knowledge from school system and health service. The gained results confirm these assumption and point to the possibilites of mutual wide connection beteen the school and heslth systém. This fact can bring new quntitiative even qulitative results for the theory and practice.
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