Not only previous offline sexual experiences matter:

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Year of publication 2011
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description The aim of the current study is to test age 15 predictors for age 17 online sexual behaviors. Longitudinal data for the current effort come from the 2008-2009 data collection of the ongoing ELSPAC project (European Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood) and include 462 adolescents (237 girls and 225 boys). Based on preliminary findings from path analyses, both a measure of puberty as well as a measure of substance use had direct effects on online sexual behaviors, but also indirect effects through offline sexual behaviors. As we anticipated, offline sexual experience at age 15 was the strongest predictor for age 17 online sexual behaviors through which two other correlates, namely dating experience and school problems, had only indirect effects on the dependent variable.
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