DML-CZ: česká digitální matematická knihovna v roce 2011


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Education. It includes Institute of Computer Science. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English DML-CZ: The Czech Digital Mathematics Library in 2011


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source ProInflow
MU Faculty or unit

Institute of Computer Science

web on-line verze
Field Use of computers, robotics and its application
Keywords digital mathematics library; digitization; digital library workflow; DML-CZ
Attached files
Description The DML-CZ – Czech Digital Mathematics Library has been implemented by Masaryk University Brno, Czech Academy of Sciences, and Charles University in Prague within the research and development project funded by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in 2005-2009. Since 2010 the digital library switched over to routine operation. This article presents content of DML-CZ, its implemented features and workflow used in its development. Know-how and tools developed in the DML-CZ are applied in other projects at both national and European levels, examples being the Digital Library of Faculty of Arts at Masaryk University and the European Digital Mathematics Library EuDML.
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