VRECKO 2011: Modulární systém pro tvorbu aplikací ve virtuální realitě


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Title in English VRECKO 2011: Modular framwork for dvelopment of virtual reality application


Year of publication 2011
Type Software
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

web Oficiální stranky
Description VRECKO is a system for creating virtual reality applications. Its component architecture allows rapid application development and extensions of the existing virtual reality scenes. From technical point of view it is a virtual reality framework with an editor that is capable of creating new scenes or applications using this framework. The VRECKO system consists of objects with predefined behaviors that an application designer can dynamically change. With instances of a special object type called Ability, one may extend or change behaviors of objects in a scene. As an example of this approach, we include an editor that we implemented entirely as a set of abilities. The editing is done directly in 3D environment which has several benefits over the 2D editing, particularly the possibility to work with a scene exactly as in the final application. The system has the ability dynamically change behavior of objects. It shares the design and principles used in JADE and NPSNET-V systems, but also incorporates new features. The VRECKO system allows to create virtual worlds composed of visual objects with a specified behavior, which are able to communicate with the other components within the system. The core of the VRECKO system consists of several main component types. All components have simple interface – channels for input and output events/requests and also the management functions, such as the initialization or update, functions for events/requests processing and for setting the priority. The communication schemes between components can be changed dynamically, in the run-time. VRECKO is programmed in C++, and source code consists of more than 90,000 lines of code.
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