Self-Definition in Social Change: Comparison across Two Generations of Czech Adolescents


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Year of publication 2011
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Citation MACEK, Petr. Self-Definition in Social Change: Comparison across Two Generations of Czech Adolescents. In D. Chadee & A. Kostic (Eds.), Social Psychological Dynamics. Jamaica: University of the West Indies Press. Neuveden: Neuveden, 2011, p. 173-193. ISBN 976-640-253-1.
Description Results of two generations of Czech adolescents are compared. It was focused on process, content, and context of self-definition and identity formation in middle adolescence.Contemporary adolescents present a higher level of commitment and place more importance to personal goals. They attribute a greater importance to self autonomy and a lower importance to external normative selves.
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