Možnosti a rizika nakládání s dřevní hmotou v tocích – návrh metodiky pro monitoring, management a využití dřevní hmoty v tocích

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Title in English Alternatives and risks of large wood management in streams - presentation of the Methodology of monitoring, management and application of large wood in streams


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source VTEI - Vodohospodářské technicko - ekonomické informace
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Water pollution and control
Keywords large woody debris; driftwood; riparian stand; natural channels; management; stream restoration
Description Large wood is a natural component of stream channels in areas little influenced by human activities. The importance of wood for the morphological and biological diversity of streams should be respected, although its presence in relatively dense populated landscape of the Czech Republic might be problematic owing to flood protection. The authors describe a new methodology suggesting the procedure of monitoring, management and application of wood structures in stream restorations and semi-natural stream regulations. In the methodology measures reducing risks related to wood mobility during floods are emphasized. At the same time principles of both leaving the wood in relatively natural streams and putting it into restored streams are specified.
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