Problematyka wychowania wielokulturowego w kontekście nauczania historii i reformy edukacji w Republice Czeskiej

Title in English Intercultural education and history teaching in Czech republic.


Year of publication 2011
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The research study deals with Intercultural education. Intercultural education is perceived by the majority of Czech schools as multicultural education the priority of which is to explain the differences of national and ethnic minorities to a member of a majority. However, one of the definitions of the intercultural education brings into attention an importance of having competences in a heterogeneous society on both sides: on the side of the majority as well as of the minority. At the same time, however, the following question should be asked: What does school history teaching need to meet and complete the above tasks? Apart from many other means, it undoubtedly needs teachers to work with modern teaching media. A film, particularly in its television form, is (or should be) an independent art matter, which should not substitute a history textbook, nor should it be taken as a suitable means for familiarizing the public with the results of modern historical research.

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