Výzkumné šetření mezi studenty předmětu romologie (aneb Kulturní odlišnosti nás vzájemně obohacují)

Title in English Research withing Romology students (Cultural differences can enrich us)


Year of publication 2011
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The text analyses responses of 41 Romology graduates. This subject offers an insight into history and present state of Romani population, Romani culture, it also considers the coexistence of minority and majority. Students commented on Romani population, they expressed their attitudes to it and their own experience. Most of the students have a professional experience with tutoring Romani pupils. The research uses the qualitative strategies to present the analysis of graduates reflexion. Several categories were created and each of them carries specific features and dimensions. The categories are enhanced by quotations and their interpretations. The research stays in the level of open coding.
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