Project information
Kvalita kurikula a výuky v oborech školního vzdělávání

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Project Identification
Project Period
1/2011 - 12/2013
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Education
curriculum;instruction;school subjects;education

The project is based on an analysis of problems in school education which were identified by the Czech
educational research in 2001-2008. A number of the problems are related to the quality of curriculum and
instruction. The two concepts are often mentioned in political slogans, however, they have not yet been
established as scientific constructs. The aim of the project is to (1) introduce the concepts quality of
curriculum and instruction as theoretical constructs, (2) develop instruments for their empirical research,
and (3) carry out research studies on quality of curriculum and instruction in different school subjects
(languages, maths and science, social sciences, aesthetics and sport). Three methodological principles are
applied: (A) systematic approach, (B) content-process-oriented approach, (C) connecting the domainspecific
and the domain-general perspectives – quality of curriculum and instruction is primarily
investigated from the point of view of field didactics, but building on cross-curricular comparison, it will
achieve generalizations across the subjects concerned.


As outcomes of the project, one book, twelve journal articles (two in English) and two book chapters (one in German)
were published. In addition to that, 18 conference papers/posters were presented (4 in English and 3 in German), and
various popular and on-line texts published.
The aim of the project was to (1) introduce the concepts quality of curriculum and instruction as theoretical constructs,
(2) develop instruments for their empirical research, and (3) carry out research studies on quality of curriculum and
instruction in different school subjects. GA CR evaluation: The project resulted in the development of the concept of quality emphasizing qualitative analysis of the structure of
teaching and monitors the integrity of the content, objectives and activities of students and teachers. Methodological
procedure can be applied in empirical investigations and in educational practice. Publications process theoretical and
empirical results of the project.


Total number of publications: 31

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